Click the left/right arrow to select a different set of action buttons.
Click this button when you are satisfied with the text on the left.
This shows you which of the five sets of action buttons is currently displayed.
Click the up/down arrow to increase/decrease the 窶彿dle窶 time.
This is the 窶彿dle窶 time setting (in minutes).
Click on a sound name in this list to associate it to the currently selected action.
Indicates the volume level.
Selecting a sound from the list will now make it the Beep sound.
Check this box if you want the sound to be picked at random.
Hold down the option key to choose the folder where you keep the files to randomize from (defaults to "Sounds" in System folder).
Randomize is on, so the list shows any sound files in the folder of your choice. Select a file to have sounds picked at random from it. Select the line at the top of the list to have sounds picked from the System file + any open Suitcases.
Check this to force the sound to be kept in RAM.
This option is not available when Randomize is on or when Chime Bell is selected.
The sound for this action will now be kept in RAM (this speeds up things, by not accessing the disk every time the sound is needed).
This box is checked indicating that SndControl will display its icon at startup. Click to uncheck it, if you don't want to see the icon at startup.
This box is unchecked indicating that SndControl will not display its icon at startup. Click to check it, if you do want to see the icon at startup.
Click anywhere in this area to reveal more information about SndControl.
Check this box if you want this sound to play at the same level as the beep sound.
This option is currently dimmed, because you have selected the beep radio button.
Uncheck this box if you don't want this sound to always play at the same volume as the beep.
If you wish to turn SndControl off when a certain application is running, click this button and add the application to the list of exclusions.
This is the size of the selected sound.
This box is unchecked indicating that SndControl will load normally at each startup. Click to check it, if you don't want SndControl to load next time you start up.
This box is checked indicating that SndControl will not load next time you startup. Click to uncheck it, if you do want SndControl to load normally next time you startup.
This is the number of minutes of 窶彿dle窶 time after which the IdleTalk sound will be played.